"A year is a long time in climate.”
The 2020 Verbier Art Summit cultural partner Julie’s Bicycle implements environment policies and action plans into the arts and cultural sector and has advised over 350 organisations in the United Kingdom.
Director Alison Tickell offers an appeal to transform the conversation and our futures stating, "We need to continue to look at net zero carbon as our goal, we need to create places for and of nature, corridors of life throughout our lives….the arts need to take on the task of demonstrating what matters in how we do things, and to give meaning to the feeling and passions that will move us to action.”
A key objective to Julie’s Bicycle’s impact is to advocate to and for culture to inspire action. The partnership with the Verbier Art Summit will spread this momentum and share insights into how creative communities can act on climate change and environmental sustainability. In doing so, the 2020 Summit will collectively address this issue and use creativity to influence behaviour now and for the future.
Learn more about Julie’s Bicycle here: https://juliesbicycle.com